Say ‘YES’ to life…

Image result for gifs of hummingbirds drinking nectar

“Destiny is saying yes to the calling we were born with.”  Alberto Villoldo


“Say ‘YES’ to life.”  What does that mean to you?

It has taken me a long time to deeply understand that statement and how it impacts every part of my life.

Say ‘yes’ to joy?  Sure sign me up.  Say ‘yes’ to peace and happiness?  Why not?  Say ‘yes’ to the experiences I can control and want.  Yes please!  But what if I am asked to say ‘yes’ to pain?, to grief?, to sit in the uncomfortable, the bad or the ugly in this moment?  Well?… I’m not so sure!

Saying ‘yes’ to life may mean accepting I was rejected from a job I really wanted.  Saying ‘yes’ may mean accepting that I am sick or have a chronic health issue.  Saying ‘yes’ may mean I do not know why something has happened or what will happen in the next moment.   Saying ‘yes’ may mean, I explore areas of my life where I have always said ‘No’ out of fear.

The average hummingbird lives between 3-5 years and yet, instead of sitting around wondering why they have been given this short life span, or instead of keeping away from any experience that may take them earlier, they seem to do the opposite.

The rufous hummingbird has the longest migration of any hummingbird species. These hummers fly more than 3,000 miles from their nesting grounds in Alaska and Canada to their winter habitat in Mexico.

They drink from the sweet nectar of life and their small compact body seems to dream the impossible into being, planting joy wherever they land.  So let’s all become aware in our daily lives where we are saying ‘No’ instead of ‘Yes’ and then question why?

Because unlike the hummingbird, I don’t know how long I have to live and so, even more reason to say ‘YES’ to all that life is offering me in this moment.

24 thoughts on “Say ‘YES’ to life…

  1. This post holds deep meaning for me. Saying yes was always part of my DNA until I finally realized that ofttimes I was saying no to myself. It wasn’t until I started questioning why that I realized that saying no often meant saying yes, to me. That’s when I understood that saying no was OK, as long as I thought it through. Live in the moment. Thanks for sharing this …

    1. I agree saying ‘No’ takes courage and is very important as it nurtures our needs and intuition. However, Saying ‘yes’ to life means we are accepting what is being presented to us in this moment. Sometimes it’s uncomfortable and sometimes it’s easy. When we resist or think we know better; that’s when the problems begin. Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻✨

    2. But then again, saying ‘No’ to others when it is right for us, is a big ‘Yes’ to life because we all benefit from speaking the truth to each other! 🙏🏻💚

  2. Lots of wisdom from the hummers here. Wonderful food for thought…and yes, I am trying to learn to let go of the illusion of control and be open to whatever life brings to me. Not easy though.

  3. Karen, I love this. We get this hummingbirds at the house every year. They are larger and stronger than some of the other ones. I am always in awe of their strength to travel so far, and now when they return I will think about how much they are able to live in the now. Happy weekend.

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