Heart Song

“There is no passion to be found playing small  –  in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”      –  Nelson Mandela

Mumble from ‘Happy Feet’, a young emperor penguin, needs to be able to sing to attract a mate, but he has a terrible voice. Instead, Mumble must express himself differently, he must find his own heart song and share this gift with the world.

We all know the story of Mumble from Happy Feet, however, this story reminded me how often we ignore our own individual heart song, simply out of fear to be different.  When we realise that no two people are alike, we can develop our own beautiful heart song and express this to each other.

Sometimes we need to escape the busyness of life’s distractions, and the pressure to conform, and find a place where we can allow deep stillness.  This stillness over time may reflect pain or sadness we are holding, but it will also give us clarity, to find our purpose and passion in life.

Passion is energy. When we focus on what ignites this passion within us, we will feel the power within us.  With practice, we will begin to feel the rhythm and flow of our heart song, and allow this energy to be expressed easily.  Each time I do this for myself, I do this for you, and that makes us all “Happy.”

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” Mark Twain

30 thoughts on “Heart Song

  1. I find it interesting that every successful speaker I’ve listened to claims to have found success as a result of passion. This word is a very powerful word that creates enormous emotion inside us. It helps drive us with intensity that is so profound, it simply becomes a matter of time before our goals are achieved. If more people searched within their hearts for their true passions, life would offer so many more options that would help each of us understand the meaning of real fulfillment.
    Thank you for giving me a chance to refocus on my passions in life.

    1. It is very true about successful people, they are motivated by this inner passion.Once we connect to this energy within us we are truly free to live fully. Thankyou for your kind thoughts and contribution.

  2. The passion of living, I really like this thoughts. I think there is nothing more difficult than trying to find and then refine a passion in life ~ but in a sense maybe we never really have to search for anything…instead just do what makes us (and others around us) happy. 🙂 Great Twain quote to end the post too!

    1. Well looking at your blog Randall, I think taking amazing photos could be what makes you, and many others happy. 🙂 I think it is already within us and you are right, it’s not about looking outwardly. May we all continue to create this happiness for each other.

  3. Beautiful post, Karen! I think, with some hindsight, that we may have different passions through the various phases in life. Or at least the passion may take different forms. Love the quotes too 🙂

  4. Very good post , Karen. No man/woman is an island.
    Like pebbles that are tossed in a pond, we all make a splash. From that splash radiates circular ripples that in turn intersect the ripples of other splashes.

    So too do our lives intermingle; having an effect on one other. Whether we believe it, or like it or not, we are responsible for how we effect others.

    1. Well said Alan and I think at times, when we forget this truth, the separation leaves us lacking and lonely. Our passion and connection really do create happiness within us all. Thankyou and have a happy day.

  5. Very interesting Karen. Sometimes we are so busy living our lives, that we forget to listen to our inner voice.
    When we find our passion at different stages of life, we also find our happiness.

  6. Funny that just the other day I was looking at a 31-day meditation retreat in India. I can’t afford it, but oh–for the time to just be. Clarity always comes then.

    1. Practising daily meditation for nearly 8 years Kay, heres what I have learned. You don’t have to go to India to find stillness or retreat from life. I think retreats are great and really help balance our energy, but it’s always short lived. Anywhere we go in nature we can find that beautiful stillness and clarity. We all deserve to connect to that peace and with a little effort you can find it again. Thankyou for your comment.

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